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Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Comments and Suggestions

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb dear my beloved readers !

Long time no see yaa hehe. Well, in this post I will let you know my comments and suggestion while learning Introduction to Lingustics by using blog. I have commented and gave suggestions to my friend’s blog. Let’s check it out !!

Okay, that’s all my comments and suggestions at my friend’s blog. See you at the next post. Have a nice day !!
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb
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Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : Semantics

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Meet again with a new post hehehe. Here, I want to share a new knowledge for you guys called Semantics. Yaa, masih lingkungan Linguistics juga. Okay guys, check it out !!

The study of the linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences is called semantics. Kajiannya berada pada struktur batiniah (deep structure). According to Muljana (1965:11), semantics is a branch of linguistics that focus on word meaning, asal-usul kata, word development, and cause of word changing.
In semantics, we can see it from two perspectives, they are from the speaker and from linguistic. Let’see !!!

A.   Sense

a.  Speaker-sense, is the speaker intention in producing some linguistic expression. It is related to non-literal meaning and implied or pragmatic meaning.

b.  Linguistic-sense, is the literal meaning of a linguistics expression as a part of  language. There are various types of linguistics sense that are possible among words, some of them are :

1.       Polysemy
Polysemy is a condition when there are some words which have more than one sense or a range of meanings (many meanings). Example :
In English :
Book -> dapat bermakna buku atau bisa juga memesan.
In Bahasa :
Bisa -> dapat bermakna bisa, dapat atau bermakna racun.

2.       Synonymy
A condition when some words have the same sense or values for all their semantic features. Singkatnya, synonymy itu memiliki bentuk berbeda but have same meaning. Example :
Friend = buddy = pal

3.       Hyponymy and Hypernymy
Hyponymy is nama/bentuk yang berada di bawah bentuk lain. Sedangkan, hypernymy berada di atas  (membawahi bentuk lain). For example :

4.       Antonymy
Antonymy is a relationship between words indicates oppositeness of meaning. Jadi, antonymy itu merupakan lawan kata. Examples :
Happy -> Sad
Dilligent -> Lazy

B.   Types of Meaning

a.     Dennotative Meaning
In Bahasa, denotative means makna yang sebenarnya. Example :
Kursi -> Tempat duduk
Flower -> sesuatu yang muncul dari tanaman

b.    Connotative Meaning
Connotation means makna tidak sebenarnya from a word. Usually in Bahasa, we can found it from poetry. Example :
Bunga (Flower) -> Gadis cantik
Kursi -> Jabatan

Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.

Chaer, Abdul. Linguistik Umum. (pdf)

Thankyou for joining and visiting us. Hope you like and understand it hehe. I am sorry if there is any typo or mistake. I really appreciate you who want to comment or give a suggestion, or maybe menambahkan materinya. See you at my next post. 
Wassalamu'alaikum. wr. wb

Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

A Thesis's Part : Formulation of The Research

        Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb my beloved readers, here I want to share formulation of the research from my senior in my faculty. I also wrote the conclusion of it. Check it out !!!

        Okay, that’s formulation of the research from my senior in my faculty. So, from the conclusion above we can conclude that the student’s error is 86,05%.
        See you at the next post. Sorry because there are a lot of typo hehehe.

        Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : Lexicology

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb my beloved readers. In this post, I want to tell you about one of the branches in the Linguistic called Lexicology. Do you want to know it ? Let's check it out !!

                    The term lexis refers to the vocabulary (words with the meaning content) of a language, each itself being reffered to as a lexeme or lexical item. The entire range of lexical items in language is known as its lexicon.

            So, lexicology is a study of the vocabulary of a language and the development of its lexicon. Lexicology is used when we want to make a dictionary like Oxford Dictionary or Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.

            FYI, there is a difference between morpheme, lexeme, and also sememe. Let’s see !!
(i)                Noun – naming an object/thing.
(ii)             Verb – a doing word describing an action.
Organs with which we see to look at closely, carefully.
(i)                The hole in a sewing needle, etc
(ii)             Quiet centre of a storm
(i)                Noun – naming an object/thing.
(ii)             Verb – a doing word dscribing an action.
The moveable part of the body at the end of the arm to give from one’s own hand.
(i)                The moving pointer on a clock, etc.
(ii)             To admit success.

            So, morpheme is a grammatical word. Then, lexeme is a meaning word. And last, sememe is an extended meaning word.

A.    Lexical Decomposition
Lexical decomposition is a means of characterizing the detail lexical features of a word. Let’s see the example below !!

Kitten – young, four legged, animate, living.
Puppy – young, four legged, animate, living.
Baby – young, two legged, human, living.

We can see commonality of them, right ?

B.    Collocation
Collocation refers to the co-occurrence possibility or compability of a word with other words. For the example, black coffee, black board, black box.

C.    Denotation and Connotation
Denotation refers to the strict definition of a word, the class of things denoted by a word. In Indonesia, it also called as “makna sebenarnya”. For the example, mother. It means as female parent.
Connotation goes into the extralinguistic associations and overtones of meanings of words. In Indonesia, it also called as ”makna tak sebenarnya”. For example, if in denotation flower means part of a plant. In connotation, it means a girl (usually in Bahasa).

Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.

   So, that is Lexicology. I'm sorry if I have mistake and typo. Thankyou for joining and visiting. Also, thankyou karena sudah mau berkorban kuota for visiting my blog. Keep learning !!! Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb. See you at the next postingan :)

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Structure Corner : Adverb Clause of Time

           Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Hi readers !! In the last postingan, kita udah belajar tentang yang namanya clause, bukan ? Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas salah satu anak  branches-nya (?) clause nih yaitu Adverb Clause. Adverb Clause itu juga ada bagian-bagiannya lagi loh readers. Contohnya, adverb clause of place, manner, time, etc.  Pada, postingan kali ini kita akan membahas tentang “Adverb Clause of Time”. Check it out !!

            Mari kita ulas sedikit tentang clause. Clause is a group of words that contains both subject and verb (predicate). Clause divided into two, they are independent clause (yang bisa berdiri sendiri) and dependent clause (yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri). Nah, dalam dependent clause itulah terdapat beberapa clause lainnya yang of course can’t stand alone like adverb clause. Now, we will learn all about “Adverb Clause of Time”.
          Adverb clause of time uses to give more information about the independent clause. Usually, adverb clause of time is followed and started by conjunction. The conjuctions that is used in adverb clause of time are after, before, when, while, as soon as, since, etc. Adverb Clause can come before or after the independent clause. Usually, adverb clause ada di complex sentence yang terdiri dari independent clause (IC) and dependent clause (DC) .Let’s see the formula !!!
Complex sentence
S + V + Adverb Clause (Dependent Clause)

Adverb Clause (Dependent Clause)
Conjuction + S + V
          Now, Let’s see the examples !!
1.       After she graduates, she will get a job.
2.       I will leave before he came.
3.       When I see him tomorrow, I will ask him.
4.       I was walking home while it began to rain.
5.       As soon as it stops raining, we will leave.
6.       I haven’t seen him since he left this morning.

*the bold font is the dependent clause (DC).
Notes :
Ø  If the independent clause (IC)  is in the first sentence maka after that we must use a capital letter.
Ø  If the dependent clause (DC) is in the first sentence maka after that we must give a comma (,) then we can add the independent clause.

For more information about adverb clause of time you can visit this site

You also can visit this site to have an exercise about adverb clause

Understanding and using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar (Third Edition)

            Thankyou for visiting my blog. Hope you like and understand it. Suggestion and comment will make this blog better. See you at the next post !! Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.