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Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : Phonetics

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Today, I want to share an information about Phonetics. I just conclude it into few sentences. I hope it will help you.

            Phonetics is a study that learn about the production of sounds. Phonetics and Phonology is a different study, although it is learn about sounds. Sounds are produced in the vocal tract. Phonetics is divided into three types according to the production (articulatory), transmission (acoustic) and perception (auditive) of sounds.

In Phonetics, we will learn how the way a sound is produced using some parts of our body, such as  lip, tongue, larynx, and others. Also, we will know the place where sound is produced, voiced and voiceless sounds, sound symbol, vowels and consonants, and the others. 
The body parts that is used when producing sounds.
If we make some sounds with different part of our body, of course the sounds will be different.

Baskaran, Loga Mahesan.2005.A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians.Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
Raymod Hickey.The Neat Summary of Linguistic  (PDF)

Okay, thankyou for visiting my blog. I'm sorry if this post is not perfect, but I hope this post give you an information about Phonetics. Your comments and suggestions are expected to enhance this blog.
Assalamu'aikum wr. wb.

Meet My Linguistics Reference Books

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Alhamdulillah I have a kuota to post this. Today, I want to tell you about my books that related to a courses called Introduction to Linguistics. I hope you like it.
            For an collegian who is learning English especially English Education Departement, will be familiar with a course called Linguistics. A course that learn about the scientific of language, which is one of the compulsory courses you must take in the college. In order to learn linguistics, we not only get the topics or the materials from our lecturer but we must have some books to support us when learning Linguistics as the references. Although nowdays there is internet that we can use to search some e-books related to Linguistics, the real book is still important. Because, when we download an e-book from the internet, we are not always read it as much as read the real book.
 So, in this post, I want to tell you some books that I had. Actually, I have two books as my linguistics references, there are New Horizons in Linguistics that is written by John Lyons, and A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians which is written by Loga Mahesa Baskaran.
First, I will tell you a book that is written by John Lyons the title is New Horizons in Linguistics. Honestly, I get this book from Medan. I asked my brother who is lived in Medan to buy a book related to Linguistics. Because, in Pekanbaru is hard to find a book store that sell Linguistics books. So, my mother recommend me to find and buy a book in Medan. There are many used books stores (toko buku bekas) near University of North Sumatera.
A book that was written by John Lyons in 1970, and was published by Penguin book have 368 pages that consists of some topics related to Linguistics, such as Phonology, Generative Syntax, Semantics, Generative Grammar and Stylistic Analysis, Sociolinguistics, etc. In my opinion, it’s hard to understand this book because there are many vocabulary that I don’t know. Also, this book looks so boring. The design can’t interest us to read it, evethough the content is good. It could be said that this book similar with a journal.
As the second semester collegian of English Education Department who is don’t know what Linguistics exactly learn about, it is a little bit hard to understand this book. Then, there are some topics that consist in this book willn’t explain in the course. Because, in the second semester we only learn about the introduction to linguistics. So, we don’t learn linguistics specifically.  Also, there is something that make me confused about this book. On each topic in this book, there is a name of an expert and the name of university. So maybe, John Lyons just combine some journals and books into one book.
The another book titled A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians which is written by Loga Mahesa Baskaran in 2005. Honestly, I borrowed my senior’s book to help me create my last post. This book is a copy of my lecturer’s book, Mr. Budianto Hamuddin, M.Esl. Thankyou, Sir.
In my opinion, this book is totally explain the basic of Linguistics. The topics in this book also show us that this book just explain the basic or the introduction of Linguistics. A book that consist of 185 pages is having a good layout, so we interested to read it. The layout that looks like a usual textbooks (seperti buku pelajaran pada umumnya), help us to understand Linguistics easily.
This book explaining the pure linguistics and also some of applied linguistics, such as Sociolinguistics, and Psycholinguistics of course just the introduction of each topics. Also, the way this book explains each topic is easier to understand than the first book. So, in my opinion, this book is appropriate for us who want to learn the basic or the introduction of Linguistics.

So, here is the comparison from those books :

A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians
New Horizons in Linguistics
Mudah dipahami. Kata-kata tidak terlalu sulit
Sulit dipahami. Menggunakan bahasa ilmiah yang agak sulit dipahami pembaca esp. students
Sesuai dengan kebutuhan student who is learn the introduction to linguistics
Pembahasannya terlalu mendalam, kurang cocok digunakan oleh student yang masih learn the introduction to linguistics
Sama seperti buku pelajaran biasanya, tidak membuat bosan karena diselingi gambar-gambar
Terlihat membosankan, terlalu monoton, karena hanya ada tulisan saja. Layout (tata letak)nya juga tidak menarik

That’s my text book that I used when learning Linguistics in my second semester. I hope this post give you some informations that you need. Each books have a diference character, so we have to understand the content of it.

Thankyou for visiting my blog, I'm sorry if there is a mistake or some typos. 
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : An Introduction to Linguistics

            Hi my beloved readers, today I want to let you know about linguistics. Honestly, it is just an introduction to linguistics that I read from the books. I hope this post will help you to know what the linguistic is.

Before knowing the linguistics, we must know what the language is first. Language can be seen as sound organized into units of form and function with meaning, contextualized in reality. Language can also considered as an abstraction resultant from the linguistic behavior of its users. So, to describe this abstraction we need a science of language – a systematic study of language. This is what is known as LINGUISTICS – that scientific, systematic, objective study of language. In a simple sentence, LINGUISTICS may be defined as the scientific study of human language. Linguistic devided into two, there are pure linguistic and applied linguistic.
A.    Pure Linguistics        
The branches of pure linguistic are phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology, and semantics.
1.      Phonetics
From the first cry sounds that a baby give after they was born, the communication channel is open between this individual and the world around them. The new-born infant being totally normal produces sounds which seem meaningless to those who speak a fully developed language. To this individual (infant) however, this meaningless sounds are means communication with those around him.
            When he/she is hungry, wet, uncomfortable, cold, or thirsty, the only means of conveying this message is by crying. Thus, this production of meaningless sounds (which do not have vocabulary meaning in any language) is the first stage of communication with the world. It also signifies the first stage of language acquisition albeit through sounds only with no conscious effort on anybody’s part to teach this infant to do so.
            The technical perspective that we can parallel this stage to be the field of phonetics which is the study of the production, transmission and reception of sound. The ability to produce sounds clearly and with no defect is due to the vocal to the vocal apparatus that is physiologically wholesome and with  no defects. So, phonetics is the field of linguistic science which is concerned with how these sounds are produce, what kinds of sounds are produced, and how these sounds are received and represented via symbols in languages in general.

2.      Phonology
The next stage in the language acquisition process is when the infant combines some sounds to produce syllables or parts of syllables which have some meaningful intent. For example /mʌ/ is almost a universal syllable which first appears in such situation. The infant produces the combination of /m/ and /ʌ/ sounds to produce “ma” /mʌ/ which is, in the most languages, the first syllable of the word “Mama” or “Mummy” or “Amma” meaning mother.
This stage of language acquisition can be technically paralleled to the field of phonology which is the study of speech sounds called phonemes – in their combinations which are specific to a language.

3.      Morphology
The next acquisition as the months roll on the infant is exposed to more language around him/her, is when they can give some form to this combination of sounds. They can say “Mama” now (not just “ma”). So the syllable that was used before now becomes a word. This syllable could be just one syllable which can also stands as a word. This grammatical units called morphemes. Morphemes can stand as a word on its own or combines with another morphemes to form a word such as “Mama”.
The technical study of thus aspect of language is associated with such morphemes, which have their respective grammatical functions. The field is known as morphology, which differentiates the various kinds of morphemes based on their finer grammatical functions.

4.      Syntax
The next stage is reflective of the arrangement of words according to the rules of word – ordering in that language. The linguistic field, associated with this field is known as syntax. Syntax concerned with the arrangement and ordering of words according to the rules of that language. From words, there is the progression to phrase, clauses, and sentences.

5.      Lexicology
Almost after this acquisition, the individual gradually gets to increase his vocabulary. This stage of vocabulary extension where the individual gets to widen his meaning range and repertoire is known as lexicology. Lexicology is the study of vocabulary items of a language. Such items are known as lexemes; or the lexis of the language.

6.      Semantics
The aspect of vocabulary extension where meaning goes further than just the first initial source referent and even touches aspects metaphors and idioms is covered in the study of linguistics called semantics. In a simple sentence, semantics means the meaning system of the word.

B.     Applied Linguistics
Applied linguistics formed by the times, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. Applied linguitisc also grow as long as the time.

1.      Psycholinguistics
Psycholinguistics is a study that concerned with human language and the human brain. It look at how language is acquired by the brain and what mental processes take place in acquisition of language in normal circumstances, abnormal, or breakdown conditions in the system are also considered under the study of psycholinguistics. So,the study involves the effects of injury, disease, congenital malformation and any such causes of dysfunction which affect the speech and language of individual.

2.      Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics is the study of language as part of culture and society. Sociolinguistics studies the variety in language and the uses to which people put language – including the social factors.

References :
Baskaran, Loga Mahesa.2005. A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya Press.
Lyons, John.1970. New Horizons in Linguistics. England : Penguin Books.

            Thankyou for visiting my blog I hope it will useful for you and I’m sorry if there is a mistake (typo) on this post. Aha, and don’t forget to find and follow me on instagram and twitter.
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Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

Hello !

Hi Everyone ! Ciee yang punya kuota buat buka blog ane cieee. Well, today I’m gonna tell you about a piece of my personal life here. Actually I don’t have any specific personalities, but I’ll try it. 

My name is Nabila Firda Asy’ari, you can call me Nabila or Nabil or even Nab, its up to you since it makes you happy and not make me mad wkwkwk. I was born in Pekanbaru, September 11th 1997. I’m the oldest child in my family. I have a brother and a sister. In pekanbaru, I live at Jalan Berdikari Gang Lestari number 49 Umbansari, Rumbai. Now, I am a student of English Education Department of Teachers Training and Education Faculty in Lancang Kuning University, Pekanbaru.

My hobbies are watching especially Korean drama, singing, listening to the music, and online. I can say that I’m an ambivert person. I like to attend some party (kondangan) or something like that, but I don’t like to start the conversation with the other guests, I love if they start the conversation first. I love to socialize with everyone but I also have a time when I want to be alone. It is difficult  for me to deciding something that I want to do fastly, it takes a few minutes to deciding something. I like if my friends give their attention for me, you know-lah dikacangin itu gak asik broo. Sometimes, I love to chit-chatting with ma friends, but there is also a time that I just be a good listener.

I love all about Korea, start from its beautiful view, language, drama, music, and others. Don’t you realize that Korean drama is so different from Indonesian drama (sinetron) ? In korea, the production house isn’t afraid to spend much money to make a great drama, and the duration (episodes) isn’t too long and the story line (plot) isn’t  bertele-tele. The episodes in drama korea is between 16 up to 21 or even 22 episodes.

Yeah, actually I don’t have an interesting life story to share with you all. But I hope this will use for someone who want to know me well.

If you want to ask something about me, just give your comment below and don’t forget to find and follow me on instagram and twitter wkwkwk.

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Terimakasih karena telah menghabiskan sebagian kuota Anda for visiting my blog.