Assalamu'alaikum my beloved readers. today, we will talk about a piece of linguistics named Syntax. Okay, let's see !!!
Kata syntax berasal
dari bahasa Yunani yang merupakan gabungan dari kata syn yang berarti “bersama”, dan kata taxis yang berarti “rangkaian”, “urutan”. So, syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the
structure of sentences in a given language, specifically word
order. Usually, sentence is
formed by clauses, clauses are formed by phrases, and phrase is formed by group
of words.
A. Phrase
Phrase is a word or group of words used as a single part
of speech. The main types of phrases in English are :
1. Noun Phrase (NP)
NP is a phrase that comes from nouns (kata benda) yang
berfungsi as a subject or object in sentence. Noun phrase usually didahului
oleh determiners (kata sandang). Examples :
ร The actor
ร A panda
ร The cats
2. Verb Phrase (VP)
Verb phrase is te combining of auxilliary verb (kata
kerja bantu) and verb. It can add with specifier, complement, and adjuncts.
Examples :
ร Binar has taken the job.
ร He has been coming late every day.
3. Adjective Phrase (Adj.
This phrase come from adjectives (kata sifat) that is used
to give the noun and pronoun sebuah
sifat. Example :
ร Toni lost his dark brown briefcase.
ร The panda eats a
green and long bamboo.
ร He was afraid to say no.
4. Adverb Phrase (Adv. P)
An adverb phrase contains an adverb as its headword that
is used to give the verb (kata kerja)an information. Examples :
ร Mika usually wake up early.
ร She ran quickly.
5. Prepositional Phrase
A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed
by Noun Phrase. Examples :
ร She run across the street.
ร The book is on the bathroom.
B. Clause
A clause is a group of related words that
contains both a subject and verb. There are two primary types of
clauses, they are :
Independent Clause
yang bisa berdiri sendiri. Karena dia sudah punya Subject and Verb yang telah memiliki ide
yang jelas.
Dependent Clause
yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, harus
ada independent clause yang mengikutinya, karena ide yang disampaikan belum
jelas. Also, dependent clause divided into :
Noun Clause
A clause yang bertindak as noun ditandai dengan adanya
wh-words, how, dan that.
Adjective Clause
A clause yang bertindak as adjective
ditandai dengan adanya relative pronoun, yaitu who, whom, which, whose, dan
Adverb Clause
A clause yang bertindak as adverb ditandai
dengan subordinate conjunction, such as when,while, after, before, etc.
C. Sentence
A sentence is an independent clause that may or
may not be combined with other clauses to convey a complete, and sometimes
complex. Based on the construction types, sentence divided into :
1. Simple Sentence
Simple sentence only contains one subject and one
predicate. The subject usually the NP of N and the predicate is verb,
adjective, or adverb. Example :
They eat rice for dinner. subject

He goes to school.

ร We visited Harau last week.
2. Compound Sentence
There are two or more simple sentences. So that, the
number of subjects and predicates will
be more. Example :
She came home and cooked dinner. Subject

He could neither read nor write. Verbs

3. Complex Sentence
Formed by one independent clause and one or more
dependent clause. Example :
ร Mary went to the store because she needed bread.
ร Siska ate Bakwan, while
Febti was taking a bath.

Syntactics Tree
To know the
structure of the sentence we can do syntactic tree. Let’s see !!
You can watch this video to make sure you understand how to make syntactics tree and menentukan yang mana aja noun phrase dan lainnya.
You can also open this site to improve your syntax/grammar skill
Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for
Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.
Youtube and Google
Thankyou for visiting my blog. Hope you like and understand. I'm sorry if there is a mistake. Comments and suggestions below !! Have a nice day readers !!
Nice post,.. just need a little bit more of editing.... ok
BalasHapusand can u recommend a nice site to learn more about syntax that focuses more the grammar will be much better if the sites provide with many examples or game...
Thankyou Sir. I'll try to change my blog's template but I haven't found the best one yet. And about the site, I may recommend you to visit this site
HapusQuite good, but I'm not really understand.
Oh ya, since syntax related to grammar I recommend you to visit this site and
It has many excercises related to grammar. Hope you like it Sir.
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
i think your blog sooooo clear in my eyes. it will be good reference
BalasHapusThankyou Diyanah :)
HapusWahh Nabil nice post...can you teach me about content in ur blog? Hehe
BalasHapustq Nabil
Thankyou Siti. Sure hehehe. The point is just post the important thing and jangan terlalu panjang kalau buat postingan. Because, your readers will bosan membacanya :) Selamat mencoba !!
HapusXixixi thanks yaa nabil.. I'll try it ๐
HapusGood luck ya Siti :)
Hapushmmmmm, nice blog mbak.
BalasHapusand the materi quite clear...
maybe,i can learn more about syntax directly with you.
Thankyou nang, keep learning yaaah !! :)
HapusNice blog Nabil ,
BalasHapusBest Presenter in this Afternoon , :) :) would you teach me how to be a good Presenter like you ??? :D hehehehee
Thankyou so much Dela. Hehehe, the key to become a good presenter is we have to enjoy with our presentation. Kalau kita nyaman sama presentasi kita, pasti orang lain bakal merhatiin kita.
BalasHapusCute blognya,penampilannya intrest,ga bosenin, bagus deh,,clear pkok nya ,,,,
Maksih nab nab ๐๐ค๐ท
HapusThankyou ya Bang Permana. Semoga postingan yang ini bisa ngasih informasi yang mudah dipahami. Sama-sama Bang :)
ayyy! i love ur blog hahaha. cantiknyaaa...^^ may you give me one simple of Syntactics Tree? gracias
BalasHapusThankyou ayy !! First, we must know the part of speech. Then, we can decide yang mana phrase-phrasenya. You can Visit this site to enlarge your knowledge about that topic
Makasih ya nab udah jelasin dengan sejelas jelasnya,mungkin ada pertanyaan yang membuat janggal hati,seberapa pentingkah kita mempelajari syntax sebagai anak bahasa ini,ntah kenapa nggak tertarik dama sekali dengan pembahasannya syntax ini๐๐ฏmakasih ya nab nab
BalasHapusYou're welcome Sustar. Syntax is a rule to construct or build a sentence. So, sentence yang kita build itu will be a good sentence. As a anak bahasa, we must have a good structure to build a sentences, right ? Malu dong, masa anak bahasa tapi mau meng-construct sentences aja belepotan. Hehehe. And FYI juga nih sus, syntax gak jauh-jauh kok dari yang namanya grammar hehe.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapuswaaah nabil presentasi nya tadi bagus deh, tpi karna bawa2 bakwan jadi laper eh baper maksudnya hehehe
BalasHapuskonten blog tentang sintax nya juga Mudah dimengerti
Hahaha, makasih Fenny sayang. Bakwannya nanti nyusul ya Fen hehehe.
Hapusnice post nabila :)
BalasHapusThankyou ya Bu Hot :)
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusnice blog nabil,,and can you give me example sentence from adjective clause and adverb clause?
BalasHapusthanks nabil
Thankyou Icha.
HapusAdjective clause also known as relative pronoun. Usually, it is followed by "who, that, which, where,etc.". For the example "I know the girl who wears the red dress". Then, adverb clause is a dependent clause that gives information about the independent clause. Adverb clause devided into some branches, one of that is adverb clause of time. The example of adverb clause is "When the phone rang, the baby woke up". "When the phone rang" is the adverb clause of time.
Assalamu'alaikum nabil,,
BalasHapusIts really good post,, I like it, I like it,,
But,, I wanna ask you, please tell me more about sentences tree and how to use it in complex sentence,,
Thanks for your post today,, I'll wait your answer,,
Wa'alaikumsalam wr.wb. Asri :)
HapusThankyou so much.
Same as Desi's question ya hehe. before me draw a syntactics tree we must know the pasrt of speech, then the phrase. You can visit this site for more information about syntactics tree
Actually, complex sentence is a sentence consists of independent clause and dependent clause. First, we have to menentukan each part of spech-nya disetiap katanya. Then, we can tentukan phrase-nya yang menuju to a sentence.
nice posting nabila, that materi is easy to understand, good luck and do the best always :) thankyou....
BalasHapusThankyou Ratna, hope you like my post ya. Good luck juga buat Ratna :)
HapusNice blog nabil...
BalasHapusPostingan nya menarik dan persentasi nya pun bagus sekali krna mngajak smua nya untuk fokus ...
Thanks nabila..
Ditunggu postingan slnjutnya...
Thankyou Kak Fitri :) look forward to my next post ya kak :)
HapusYo! Good post and easy to understand.
BalasHapusand i have a suggestion for you. Why don't you use question mark on the last word of your blog's title ?
so , entitled " YOU CALL IT A BLOG ?"
Hahaha no offence :P
Yo! Thankyou Dikky my bro. Thankyou for your suggestion, but my blog's tittle means "kamu menamainya blog". So, it is not a question, it is a pernyataan. Actually, I got the inspiration from a song by K. Will judulnya "You Call It Romance". Hahaha. Tapi, Arigatou ya suggestionnya.
HapusAloha nabil nice posting.. but nabil what do you think about the preposinal pharase that and can you make a real example about that? Oke thank you..
BalasHapusAloha Fajrin. Well, prepositional phrase itu terdiri dari serangkaian kata yang terdiri dari preposisi dan objeknya. Nah, objectnya ini bisa berupa noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause. For examples :
Hapus1. At home (at = preposition // home = noun)
2. With me (with = preposition // me = pronoun)
3. By singing (by = preposition // singing = gerund)
And for more examples you can visit this site :
Hope you understand, Fajrin :)
hello nabila, your blog nice and simple
BalasHapusmenurut nabila ada tidak pembahasan syntax di bidang yang lain ??
atau hanya di linguistics aja??
thank you:)
Hi Nola! Thankyou yaa.
HapusTernyata syntax ada juga di dalam bidang komputerisasi. Dan syntax ini tetap juga berupa bahasa. Yakni bahasa pemrograman. Nah, selagi yang dibahas/yang diperbincangkan itu BAHASA. Maka, itu masih termasuk dalam Linguistics, Nola.
Jadi kalau menurut Nabila, syntax itu adanya hanya dicakupan linguistics.
nab mau nanya, apakah structure dan grammar termasuk syntax?
BalasHapusHi Febti! Thanks for your question yaa.
HapusWell, mari kita lihat dulu letak perbedaan grammar dan structure. Grammar itu berfungsi untuk mengurus kata-kata yang pantas digunakan atau pemilihan kata-kata. Sedangkan, Structure itu mengurus tentang pembentukan dan penyusunan kata-kata.
Contohnya :
me love you.
them hate I
~ kalimat kalimat diatas salah secara grammar, benar secara structure.
I you love
they me hate
~ kalimat kalimat diatas benar secara grammar, salah secara structure.
Nah, grammar itu kita harus paham memasang-masangkan katanya. Misalnya, kalau kita memakai SHE itu pasangannya ada tobe IS saat bertemu non-verb.
Kalau structure itu penyusunan kata agar menjadi kalimat. Structure ini tidak melihat sisi kebenran gramatikalnya.
Jadi, yang termasuk syntax itu cuma structure aja feb. Soalnya kan syntax itu membahas tentang strutur dan penyusunan kalimat saja.
Semoga terbantu feb.
nab apa sih hubungan syntax dalam linguistics??
BalasHapusHai hai Kak Nita!
HapusHubungan Syntax dalam Linguistics itu...
Dalam Lingustics ada yang namanya pure linguistics, nah salah satu materi bahasannya itu adalah syntax kak. Jadi, syntax itu termasuk dalam salah satu cabangnya linguistics yaitu pure linguistics.