Alhamdulillah, Allah masih give me kesempatan to post this.
Today, this post will explain about one of linguistics branches called Phonology.
Here we go...
is the branch of linguistics concerned with the
study of speech sounds with reference to their distribution and patterning. A
linguist who specializes in phonology is known as a phonologist.
The aim of phonology is to discover
the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages and to
explain the variations that occur.
When we talk about the 'sound system' of English, we are referring to the
number of phonemes which are used in
a language and to how they are organized.
perbedaan antara Phonology dengan Phonetics

Kalau Phonetics,
ilmu yang menyelidiki bagaimana bunyi dihasilkan oleh mulut, nasal (bunyi
sengau), tenggorokan, dan lain sebagainya. Jadi lebih ke mempelajari audible sounds, dan tidak ada
hubungannya dengan the meaning of
the sounds produced (makna dari bunyi yang dihasilkan).
Kalau Phonology,
ilmu yang mempelajari baik bunyi maupun maknanya. Jadi Phonology ini 'menjelajah'
perbedaan ketika suatu bunyi dihasilkan dan bagaimana bila bunyi tersebut
dihasilkan sedikit berbeda maka akan mengubah makna dari bunyi tersebut.
Phoneme is one of a small set of speech sounds
that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language and it make a difference to meaning.. The term is usually restricted to vowels and consonants.
example in English : /m/ of mat and the /b/ of bat.
example in English :
[ph] as
in pin and [p] as in spin are allophones for the phoneme /p/ in the English
language because they
cannot distinguish words. They
are different, the first isaspirated and the second is unaspirated (plain).
The phoneme placed in
slant brackets (/ /).
The allophones placed in square
brackets ([ ]).
Okay, that's all from me. I'm sorry if there is a mistake. Please give your comments below. See you on the next postingan. Thankyou, Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
References :
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