Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. In this postingan, we will learn about morphology. Actually, there are many things that I would like to tell you, but suddenly I can't do that. I'm sorry for the mistakes yaaa. Enjoy reading guys !!!
is the study of morphemes of a language. Morphology is concerned with the study
of word forms. In morphology, we will learn about morphemes – the smallest unit
of words, and also words. First, we will learn about morpheme.
is a smallest unit of a words that carries meaning. Morpheme can be classified
into two, there are :
1. Free
Morphemes that can stand alone and also have a
2. Bound
that can’t stand alone and it hasn’t a meaning, usually we called it affix (we
will learn affix after this). For this morphemes, it needs a free morphemes to
make this morphemes has a meaning.

= means NOT
cannot stand alone, so it must has a free morphemes to give it a meaning.
are also Inflectional morphology and Derivations morphology.
1. Inflectional
An inflection is an affix
(we will learn affix after this) used to change form and function only from the grammatical point with no change in
part of speech of the word. Usually, it is added by :
2. Derivational
A derivation is an affix
used to change form and meaning from lexical
point with a change in part of speech. Usually, it is added by :
Finally, we will talk
about words. Words is the focus in this lesson. Here, I will expain to you the
word formation processes. There are some main type of morphological processes,
on eof them is Affixation.
1. Affixation
(where a bound morpheme is attached to free morpheme in various posisition).
There are some types of
affixes, they are :
a. Prefixes ( terletak diawal
sebelum free morpheme/root)
Example : unfair = un +
fair disfunction = dis + function
b. Suffixes (terletak diakhir
setelah free morpheme/root)
Example : fastly = fast +
ly thiner = thin + er
c. Confixes (terletak di awal
dan di akhir free morpheme/root)
Example : unhappiness =
un + happy + ness
Remarkable = re + mark + able
d. Infixes (terletak di
tengah-tengah free morpheme/root)*
there is no infixes in English, but in Malay…
= gemuruh tunjuk = telunjuk
You can watch this video for more informations about word formation processes :)
Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for
Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.
Raymond Hickey : The Neat Summary of Linguistics (pdf)
Youtube and Google
Thats all our lessons today, hope you understand guys. Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. See you at the next postingan :)
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