Get me outta here!

Selasa, 26 April 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : Syntax

Assalamu'alaikum my beloved readers. today, we will talk about a piece of linguistics named Syntax. Okay, let's see !!!

Kata syntax berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang merupakan gabungan dari kata syn yang berarti “bersama”, dan kata taxis yang berarti “rangkaian”, “urutan”.  So, syntax is  the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, specifically word order.  Usually, sentence is formed by clauses, clauses are formed by phrases, and phrase is formed by group of words.
A.    Phrase
Phrase is a word or group of words used as a single part of speech. The main types of phrases in English are :

1.      Noun Phrase (NP)
NP is a phrase that comes from nouns (kata benda) yang berfungsi as a subject or object in sentence. Noun phrase usually didahului oleh determiners (kata sandang). Examples :
Ø  The actor
Ø  A panda
Ø  The cats

2.      Verb Phrase (VP)
Verb phrase is te combining of auxilliary verb (kata kerja bantu) and verb. It can add with specifier, complement, and adjuncts. Examples :
Ø  Binar has taken the job.
Ø  He has been coming late every day.

3.      Adjective Phrase (Adj. P)
This phrase come from adjectives (kata sifat) that is used to give the noun  and pronoun sebuah sifat. Example :
Ø  Toni lost his dark brown briefcase.
Ø  The panda eats  a green and long bamboo.
Ø  He was afraid to say no.

4.      Adverb Phrase (Adv. P)
An adverb phrase contains an adverb as its headword that is used to give the verb (kata kerja)an information. Examples :
Ø  Mika usually wake up early.
Ø  She ran quickly.

5.      Prepositional Phrase (PP)
A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed by Noun Phrase. Examples :
Ø  She run across the street.
Ø  The book is on the bathroom.

B.    Clause
clause is a group of related words that contains both a subject and verb.  There are two primary types of clauses, they are :
1.      Independent Clause
Clause yang bisa berdiri sendiri. Karena dia sudah punya Subject and Verb yang telah memiliki ide yang jelas.
2.      Dependent Clause
Clause yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, harus ada independent clause yang mengikutinya, karena ide yang disampaikan belum jelas. Also, dependent clause divided into :
a.       Noun Clause
A clause  yang bertindak as noun ditandai dengan adanya wh-words, how, dan that.
b.      Adjective Clause
A clause yang bertindak as adjective ditandai dengan adanya relative pronoun, yaitu who, whom, which, whose, dan that.
c.       Adverb Clause
A clause yang bertindak as adverb ditandai dengan subordinate conjunction, such as when,while, after, before, etc.
C.     Sentence
A sentence is an independent clause that may or may not be combined with other clauses to convey a complete, and sometimes complex. Based on the construction types, sentence divided into :
1.      Simple Sentence
Simple sentence only contains one subject and one predicate. The subject usually the NP of N and the predicate is verb, adjective, or adverb. Example :
Ø  They eat rice for dinner.                          subject
Ø  He goes to school.                                     verb
Ø  We visited Harau last week.

2.      Compound Sentence
There are two or more simple sentences. So that, the number of  subjects and predicates will be more. Example :
Ø  She came home and cooked dinner.                Subject
Ø  He could neither read nor write.                    Verbs
3.      Complex Sentence
Formed by one independent clause and one or more dependent clause. Example :
Ø  Mary went to the store because she needed bread.
Ø  Siska ate Bakwan, while Febti was taking a bath.
   Dependent clause
   Independent clause

D.    Syntactics Tree
To know the structure of the sentence we can do syntactic tree. Let’s see !!

You can watch this video to make sure you understand how to make syntactics tree and menentukan yang mana aja noun phrase dan lainnya. 

Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.
Youtube and Google

Thankyou for visiting my blog. Hope you like and understand. I'm sorry if there is a mistake. Comments and suggestions below !!  Have a nice day readers !!

Selasa, 19 April 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : Morphology

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. In this postingan, we will learn about morphology. Actually, there are many things that I would like to tell you, but suddenly I can't do that. I'm sorry for the mistakes yaaa. Enjoy reading guys !!!       

      Morphology is the study of morphemes of a language. Morphology is concerned with the study of word forms. In morphology, we will learn about morphemes – the smallest unit of words, and also words. First, we will learn about morpheme.
          Morpheme is a smallest unit of a words that carries meaning. Morpheme can be classified into two, there are :
1.    Free Morphemes      
 Morphemes that can stand alone and also have a meaning.
2.    Bound Morphemes
Morphemes that can’t stand alone and it hasn’t a meaning, usually we called it affix (we will learn affix after this). For this morphemes, it needs a free morphemes to make this morphemes has a meaning.
HAPPY                                                           UNHAPPY
                                                                        (UN + HAPPY)*

*UN = means NOT
*UN cannot stand alone, so it must has a free morphemes to give it a meaning.

          There are also Inflectional morphology and Derivations morphology.
1.    Inflectional Morphology
An inflection is an affix (we will learn affix after this) used to change form and function only from the grammatical point with no change in part of speech of the word. Usually, it is added by :

2.    Derivational Morphology
A derivation is an affix used to change form and meaning from lexical point with a change in part of speech. Usually, it is added by :

Finally, we will talk about words. Words is the focus in this lesson. Here, I will expain to you the word formation processes. There are some main type of morphological processes, on eof them is Affixation.
1.       Affixation (where a bound morpheme is attached to free morpheme in various posisition).
There are some types of affixes, they are :
a.       Prefixes ( terletak diawal sebelum free morpheme/root)
Example : unfair = un + fair     disfunction = dis + function
b.      Suffixes (terletak diakhir setelah free morpheme/root)
Example : fastly = fast + ly             thiner = thin + er

c.       Confixes (terletak di awal dan di akhir free morpheme/root)
Example : unhappiness = un + happy + ness
              Remarkable = re + mark + able
d.      Infixes (terletak di tengah-tengah free morpheme/root)*
Example :
*Usually there is no infixes in English, but in Malay…

Guruh = gemuruh               tunjuk = telunjuk

You can watch this video for more informations about word formation processes :)

Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.
Raymond Hickey : The Neat Summary of Linguistics (pdf)
Youtube and Google

Thats all our lessons today, hope you understand guys. Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. See you at the next postingan :)

Jumat, 15 April 2016

Byeoli-pedia 01 : Banyak Makan Jeruk Kok Sariawan ?

 Alhamdulillah buat rubrik baru hehe. Sebenernya dari kemaren-kemaren mau nge-post ini, tapi kemaren hamba sakit huhuhu. So, selamat membaca readers.

       Pernah denger gak sih kalau makan jeruk kebanyakan besoknya timbul sariawan ? Pasti readers jawab gak pernahkan ? Atau ada yang pernah ?
Wah sama dong !  Hamba sering banget ngalamin yang namanya sariawan gara-gara kebanyakan makan jeruk. Padahal satu hari cuma makan tiga buah jeruk doang, tapi keesokan harinya paaaaaaasti udah ada aja calon-calon sariawan yang markir dimulut. Sebagai orang yang gak pernah absen dari sariawan, kali ini Nabila bakal ngebahas kenapa sih bisa kena sariawan gara-gara makan jeruk kebanyakan ?
        Memang sih, jeruk dikenal sebagai obatnya sariawan, tapi kok bisa sih malah bikin kita sariawan ? Jadi gini readers,  dengan tingkat keasaman (pH) jeruk yang cukup tinggi, yakni pH sekitar 2,9 sampai 4,0, asam sitrat dari buah jeruk bisa menyebabkan luka pada mulut dan gusi, serta erosi pada gigi. Luka terbuka tersebut akan sangat mudah dihinggapi virus, bakteri, dan jamur, sehingga terjadilah sariawan.
          Tapi, tergantung juga sama daya tahan tubuh orangnya. Ada juga kok yang gak kena sariawan walaupun udah makan banyak jeruk.
          So guys, ternyata ituh tuh sebabnya kalau makan jeruk kebanyakan bisa kena sariawan. Tapi, bukan berarti gak boleh makan jeruk lagi ya, secukupnya aja deh. Allah SWT juga nggak suka yang berlebih-lebihan kan ?

      Sekian untuk kali ini, semoga bermanfaat ya readers. See you di postingan selanjutnyaaaa. Oh iya, mulai sekarang kalau ada temennya yang sariawan gara-gara kebanyakan makan jeruk jangan diketawain lagi ya guys.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb


Selasa, 05 April 2016

A Piece of Linguistics : Phonology

Alhamdulillah, Allah masih give me kesempatan to post this.
Today, this post will explain about one of linguistics branches called Phonology.
Here we go...

          Phonology is the branch of linguistics concerned with the study of speech sounds with reference to their distribution and patterning. A linguist who specializes in phonology is known as a phonologist.
The aim of phonology is to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages and to explain the variations that occur.  When we talk about the 'sound system' of English, we are referring to the number of phonemes which are used in a language and to how they are organized.

Apa perbedaan antara Phonology dengan Phonetics ?

Kalau Phonetics, ilmu yang menyelidiki bagaimana bunyi dihasilkan oleh mulut, nasal (bunyi sengau), tenggorokan, dan lain sebagainya. Jadi lebih ke mempelajari audible sounds, dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan the meaning of the sounds produced (makna dari bunyi yang dihasilkan).
Kalau Phonology, ilmu yang mempelajari baik bunyi maupun maknanya. Jadi Phonology ini 'menjelajah' perbedaan ketika suatu bunyi dihasilkan dan bagaimana bila bunyi tersebut dihasilkan sedikit berbeda maka akan mengubah makna dari bunyi tersebut.

Ø Phoneme
Phoneme is one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language and it make a difference to meaning.. The term is usually restricted to vowels and consonants.  
For example in English : /m/ of mat and the /b/ of  bat.

Ø Allophones
An Allophone is one of several similar speech sounds (phones) that belong to the same phoneme.
For example in English :
 [ph] as in pin and [p] as in spin are allophones for the phoneme /p/ in the English language because they cannot distinguish words. They are different, the first isaspirated and the second is unaspirated (plain).

The differentiate between a phoneme and allophones :

a.      The phoneme placed in slant brackets (/ /).
b.      The allophones placed in square brackets ([ ]).

Okay, that's all from me. I'm sorry if there is a mistake. Please give your comments below. See you on the next postingan. Thankyou, Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

References :