Get me outta here!

Rabu, 27 September 2017


          Assalamualaikum wr. wb dear my lovely readers. Today, I am gonna post new corner ! Wooo !! It’s related to our course called SOCIOLINGUISTICS. I will upload one topic a week. So, please anticipate it !! ^^
          Well, this week’s topic is about the introduction to sociolinguistics which presented by Asri, TM, and Shela. This post contains my conclusion when my friends presenting their material and some questions and the answers also. So, check it out !!

          Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It focuses on how language are used in a community and an area. The use of language may different in each community, area, and can be a level of a person (derajat). There are two types of sociolinguistics, they are sociolinguistics and sociology of language.

          Q & A !!!

1.       Siti Rafiah
Q       : Why do accent and dialect are included into sociolinguistics ?
A       : We know that sociolinguistics concern on the use of language in society. Some  communities are using different style while speaking, etc. For example the rhythm and tone that Minangnese used will be different with Javanese. And...  in Sociolinguistics, we will study about it. So that, accent and dialect are included in Sociolinguistics.

2.       Hotdiana Pasaribu
Q       : Give an example of sociolinguistics and sociology of language in types of Sociolinguistics !
A       : First, we need to know what exactly sociolinguistics and sociology of language are. Sociolinguistics is an usual language that we use every day. For example in Bahasa, “Sudah makan belum ?”. Sociology of Language is effect from the using of a language toward society. For example the using of Bahasa Alay like “Udah mums beyum ?”

3.       Febti Mahani
Q       : What is the difference between dialect an accent ?
A       : Accent is related to sound and the rhythm of a language. Accent of Minang language in Pariaman can be different with Minang language in Payakumbuh. In the other hand, dialect is not only different in sound but also in the vocabularies the used. For example, Malay language. There are Malay language that used “o” and “e” as akhiran. In example, “kemane ?” and “kemano ?”

Well, that’s all for this week’s topic. See you next week !!!