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Senin, 12 Juni 2017


By Nabila Firda Asy'ari

1.      Review : Theories of Semantics : Merits and Limitation
a.      Demograph
Title                 : Theories of Semantics : Merits and Limitation
Authors            : Saleh Mustafa Ramadan (Al-Zayootah Private University of Jordan)
  and Taleb I. Ababneh (Irbid National University-Jordan)
Pages               : 9 Pages
            This journal tells about the main assumptions, merits, and limitation of three main theories of meaning. They are : referential theory of meaning, the non-referential theory of meaning, and generative grammarian theory meaning. The strengthness of this journal are :
Ø  It uses many theories and definitions from experts.
Ø  It writing systematic is neat and easy to read.
Ø  In each sub-topics, it gives us clear examples.
The weakness of this journal is :
Ø  There are some text that out of the line (nggak beraturan) and makes us hard to read that passages.

2.      Review : Frame Semantics A Brief Introduction
a.      Demograph
Title     : Frame Semantics A Brief Introduction
Author : Diego Gavagna (Aarhus University)
Page    : 14 Pages
This journal tells about the frame of semantics. It is a research program in empirical semantics that analyses words’ meanings “emphasizing the continuities, rather than the discontinuities, between language and experience”. This journal give us new knowledge about what actually frame semantics is, why does it develop, etc. The strengthness of this journal are :
Ø  It focuses on frame semantics only. So we can focus to learn it too.
Ø  It uses theories from some experts, for example Charles J. Filmore.
Ø  It has  pictures and table so that the readers wouldnot get boring.
The weakness of this journal is :
Ø  It uses some unfamiliar vocabs (for me) and it need sometime to understand it (in my opinion)

3.      Review : Modern Linguistics Semantics
a.      Demograph
Title     : Modern Linguistics Semantics
Author : Kate Kearns (Senior Lecturer of Department of Linguistics in University of
  Canterbury, New Zealand)
            Uploaded by    : Pooja Saikia in
            This journal tells us about the kinds of meaning. Theya are denotation and sense, and also lexical and structural meaning. We are invited to know the relation between denotation and sense. For instance, a word cow, have sense some one pointing out to the cow and says “That’s a cow!”. And for the lexical and structural meaning, we need to understand that some words that form a sentence, by replacing each words to other position we can have new meaning/idea. The strenghtness of this journal are :
Ø  It gives examples related to the topic.
Ø  The vocabullaries that this journal use are familiar.
Ø  It also has review of what we have learnt.
The weakness of this journal is :
Ø  Somehow, there are some theories/topics that can make readers confused.

4.      Review : Semantics
a.      Demograph
Title                 : Semantics
Uploaded by    : Abdullah Cglyn at
Page                : 14 Pages
This journal tells about what semantics is, and it gives some theories related to semantics such as truth-conditional semantics, tautologies, contradictions, synthetic sentences, entailment, ambiguity, sense, synonymy, metonymy, etc. Eventhough it is just 14 pages, it gives clear and brief information for all sub-topics. Plus, it gives examples, too. The strenghtness of this journal are :
Ø  It looks like a paper which our teacher’s gave to us. It has brief explanation but clear.
Ø  It has examples related to each topics
Ø  It is quite complete even it just a paper
Ø  Each sub-topics use Bold font
The weakness of this journal are :
Ø  It’s writing systematical is not really neat. For me, when I read this journal I cannot enjoy it.
Ø  Vocabullaries that use in this journal is unfamiliar for (almost all of that)
Ø  It would be nice if the passages is on a justify mode.